Global Engagement Solutions for Higher Education


Leveraging Data for International Education Development Efforts

July 17, 2024


From a podcast interview with Mihaela Metianu, the Assistant Provost for Global Engagement at Florida Atlantic University.

“Data is everywhere. It’s anywhere from securing resources, staff positions, funding, and showing international students' impact on campus. It's really difficult to imagine doing this work without having access to data.”


International education plays a crucial role in shaping the future of students and institutions alike. It provides opportunities for cultural exchange, fosters global perspectives, and enhances academic and professional growth. However, to fully harness the potential of international education, it is essential to have access to data that tells a compelling story. Mihaela Metianu, an esteemed global engagement expert, discussed the power of data in advocating for international education, highlighting its impact on securing resources, rethinking programs, and driving institutional growth.

Securing Resources and Support

One key benefit of having access to data is the ability to secure resources and support for international education programs. As Mihaela points out, data can be used to demonstrate the impact of international education on various aspects of the institution, such as tuition revenues and research contributions. By presenting concrete numbers and evidence, advocates for international education can make a compelling case for the importance of these programs.

Moreover, data can also be instrumental in securing grants and funding. Faculty members, who are often responsible for applying for grants, appreciate having data to support their proposals. Data can help faculty members demonstrate a history of impact and increase their chances of securing grants. By providing data showcasing international education's benefits, advocates can empower faculty members to advocate for their programs and secure the necessary resources effectively.

Rethinking Programs for Growth

Institutions must constantly evaluate and evolve their programs to ensure they remain relevant and impactful. However, this process can be challenging without access to data. Mihaela emphasizes the importance of using data to rethink programs and initiatives. By analyzing the numbers and evaluating the output of different programs, institutions can identify areas that require improvement or redirection of resources.

Institutions may have successful programs or partnerships that no longer yield significant results. Without data, it can be difficult to make the case for sunsetting these programs and redirecting resources to more promising initiatives. However, with data, advocates can present a compelling argument for reallocating resources to projects that align with the institution’s goals and have the potential for greater impact.

The Power of Data in Advocacy

Advocacy for international education goes beyond highlighting its benefits for students. It also demonstrates how international education can help institutions achieve their goals and objectives. This is where data becomes invaluable. As Mihaela points out, having access to data allows advocates to show how international education can benefit the institution as a whole, from increasing revenues to contributing to research efforts.

Anecdotal stories are undoubtedly powerful, but they lack the persuasive power of data. While stories can evoke emotions and create connections, data provides concrete evidence that can sway decision-makers. By presenting data-backed arguments, advocates can make a stronger case for the value of international education and its impact on the institution.


In conclusion, Mihaela Metianu’s discussion highlights the critical role of data in advocating for international education. Data provides the evidence needed to secure resources, rethink programs, and drive institutional growth. Without access to data, advocates would be limited to anecdotal stories, which, while valuable, lack the persuasive power of concrete evidence. As institutions continue to prioritize international education, it is essential to recognize the power of data in telling a compelling story and advocating for its benefits.

To catch the full interview with Mihaela, CLICK HERE