Global Engagement Solutions for Higher Education


Driving Global Engagement through Strategic Partnerships and Innovation

September 10, 2024


From a podcast interview with Randy Kluver, the Associate Provost and Dean at Oklahoma State University

“We were able to grow by framing the global engagement within the context of leadership, and that allowed us to really grow a program that just didn’t exist before.”


In this article, Randy Kluver delves into the strategic expansion of opportunities for students, universities, companies, and government offices in international education. He shares valuable insights on the challenges and successes of enhancing global engagement within academic institutions, drawing from his experiences at Texas A&M. Discover how strategic alliances and innovative programs can drive internationalization efforts and foster leadership development with a global perspective.

Key Takeaways

  • Strategic partnerships and innovative programs are essential for expanding international opportunities within academic institutions.
  • Global engagement should be integrated into leadership development to enhance cross-cultural competencies among students.
  • Opportunities for international experiences should be framed as essential components of education rather than privileges for select individuals.
  • Creating strategic allies within universities can lead to the successful growth of international programs and initiatives.
  • Aligning global engagement efforts with broader organizational goals can enhance the impact and relevance of international education.

Seizing Opportunities for Growth

One of the key aspects of expanding opportunities in international engagement is the ability to recognize and capitalize on potential avenues for growth. Randy Kluver emphasizes being an opportunistic leader can pave the way for innovative initiatives that enhance the impact of international programs within universities. By staying ahead of the curve and identifying opportunities before others, SIOs can effectively advocate for the internationalization of their institutions. This proactive approach not only ensures the continuous evolution of existing programs but also fosters the creation of new partnerships and funding sources.

Randy’s experience at Texas A&M University highlights the transformative power of seizing growth opportunities. By collaborating with a new leader in the Corps of Cadets who prioritized international competencies for cadets, he significantly expanded international engagement within a previously underdeveloped program. The strategic alignment of global engagement with leadership development enhanced cadets' educational experiences and catalyzed the establishment of sponsored programs supported by the U.S. Department of Defense. This example underscores the potential of actively seeking opportunities to elevate international initiatives' importance within diverse institutional contexts.

Building Strategic Alliances for Program Development

Another critical aspect of expanding opportunities in international engagement is cultivating strategic allies who share a common vision for program development. Collaborating with individuals or departments with the influence and resources to drive programmatic growth can be instrumental in advancing the internationalization agenda within universities. By establishing strategic partnerships based on shared goals and values, SIOs can leverage collective expertise and support to enhance the breadth and impact of international programs.

Partnering with the Corps of Cadets at Texas A&M University illustrates the significance of building strategic alliances for program development. Through a collaborative effort with a retired one-star general who championed international competencies for cadets, Randy was able to mobilize resources and create pathways for cadets to engage in global experiences. By framing international engagement within the context of leadership, the Corps of Cadets embraced a new perspective on the value of global competencies, leading to a substantial increase in the number of cadets participating in international programs. This strategic alliance facilitated program expansion and underscored the transformative potential of aligning international initiatives with institutional priorities.

Shifting Perceptions to Enhance Internationalization Efforts

A significant challenge in expanding opportunities for international engagement lies in shifting perceptions and elevating the importance of global initiatives within the broader institutional framework. Often perceived as peripheral or discretionary, international programs such as study abroad can face barriers to recognition and support within academic settings. To overcome these challenges, SIOs must advocate for integrating internationalization into core institutional missions and values, emphasizing the intrinsic value of cross-cultural learning and global competencies for all students.

The experience at Texas A&M University highlights the transformative impact of shifting perceptions to enhance internationalization efforts. By reframing global engagement within the context of leadership development and strategic priorities, Randy and his team were able to position international initiatives as integral to the mission of the institution. This shift in perspective increased the visibility and relevance of international programs and fostered a cultural shift towards recognizing the value of global competencies for all students. By challenging traditional views and advocating for a more inclusive approach to internationalization, SIOs can pave the way for comprehensive and sustainable growth in global initiatives within universities.


In conclusion, Randy Kluver’s insights on expanding opportunities for international engagement underscore the importance of proactive leadership, strategic alliances, and perceptual shifts in advancing the global agenda within universities. By seizing growth opportunities, building strategic partnerships, and shifting perceptions to enhance the visibility of international initiatives, SIOs can drive meaningful and sustainable change within their institutions. Through innovative approaches and collaborative efforts, the pathway to comprehensive internationalization becomes not just a possibility but a strategic imperative for universities seeking to prepare students for an increasingly interconnected world.

To catch the full interview with Randy, CLICK HERE.