Global Engagement Solutions for Higher Education


OSU’s Afghan Initiative: Redefining University Engagement

September 9, 2024


From a podcast interview with Randy Kluver, the Associate Provost and Dean at Oklahoma State University

“We’re very proud of this effort (Afghan Family Project) because not only did it meet a very tangible and human need that we saw in front of us, but it also allowed us to really tell that story for our service to the state of Oklahoma.”


In this article, Randy Kluver shares his experience leading the Afghan Family Project at Oklahoma State University, addressing the influx of Afghan refugees in 2021. Collaborating with various organizations and strategic partners, Randy and his team provided housing, English language instruction, job training, and essential services to facilitate the integration of Afghan families into the community. This unprecedented effort showcased the university’s commitment to public service and humanitarian aid on a significant scale.

Key Takeaways

  • Oklahoma State University housed and supported 72 Afghan refugees in response to the resettlement crisis.
  • The university reoriented its ESL program and services to meet the specific needs of Afghan families.
  • Strategic partnerships and state funding enabled the provision of critical services for successful integration.
  • The initiative highlighted the university’s commitment to public service and humanitarian aid.
  • Many Afghan refugees made Stillwater their home, reflecting the impact of the university’s efforts.

Empowering Refugees Through Housing Initiatives and Collaborative Efforts

The initiative began with the university offering empty campus housing to Afghan refugees, showcasing a remarkable example of proactive engagement in response to a global crisis. Randy’s connection to refugee resettlement further fueled the project’s development, emphasizing the importance of empathy and compassion in humanitarian efforts.

Furthermore, collaborating with various organizations and the state of Oklahoma highlighted the collective effort to provide a holistic support system for the refugees. This collaborative approach maximized the program's impact and demonstrated the power of community solidarity in addressing complex challenges.

Refugee’s Integration and Access to Education

Oklahoma State University's retooling of the ESL program to address the specific needs of Afghan refugees exemplified the university’s commitment to facilitating successful integration. By tailoring educational resources to the refugees’ language needs, the university provided an essential service and fostered a sense of belonging and empowerment within the community.

Moreover, the focus on job preparation, driver’s license acquisition, and other essential services underscored the comprehensive approach taken to support the refugees in building sustainable livelihoods and adapting to their new environment. This emphasis on practical assistance reflects a deep understanding of refugees' multifaceted challenges in their journey toward integration and self-sufficiency.

Impact and Legacy of the Afghan Family Project

The Afghan Family Project's lasting impact was evident in the successful integration and long-term residency of many refugees in Stillwater, Oklahoma. By providing a supportive environment and essential services, Oklahoma State University met a critical humanitarian need and created a lasting legacy of compassion and solidarity within the community.

The graduation of Afghan students supported through the program symbolized the tangible outcomes of the university’s efforts, showcasing the transformative power of education and support in empowering individuals to build brighter futures. This legacy of empowerment and resilience is a testament to the enduring impact of humanitarian engagement and the importance of collective action in creating positive change.


In conclusion, the Afghan Family Project at Oklahoma State University exemplifies the profound impact of proactive humanitarian engagement within the higher education sector. By leveraging resources, forming strategic partnerships, and prioritizing comprehensive support, the university demonstrated a commitment to fulfilling its public service mission and making a meaningful difference in the lives of Afghan refugees. The success of this initiative serves as a testament to the transformative power of education, compassion, and community collaboration in fostering resilience and empowerment among vulnerable populations.

To catch the full interview with Randy, CLICK HERE.